Bootcamp Challenge – Day 2

November 6, 2008 § 3 Comments

I was the first one at Bootcamp Challenge again today. I take some pride in that (gotta take it where I can get it). Today was so much better for me, the session was actually harder but I did a lot better. I learned an important lesson today, What you put in you is what you get out. The day before Session 1 I ate a bunch of crap…(mostly because I knew I would be eating crazy healthy for 6 weeks) in return I felt like crap and my body performed well, like crap. These last few days I have eaten extremely well, counting calories, eating the right protein and veggies and today my body performed a lot better, I felt stronger and not as “throwuppy”.

There is definitely a pretty obvious spirtual principle in there. What are you putting into your heart, mind, or soul? Are you filling it with God’s promises, what he says about you? Or are you filling your life with a bunch of stuff that weighs you down and steals your strength?

§ 3 Responses to Bootcamp Challenge – Day 2

  • brooke fischer says:

    i am gonna have to start getting there earlier!!!!!! I was almost late this am… then you guys would have been able to punish me.
    each workout is progressively harder than the last!
    cant wait to look at your food journal…

  • Pam B says:

    I was just reading about this very principle yesterday. It really jumped out at me.
    Mark 4:24 And He said to them, Be careful what you are hearing. The measure [of thought and study] you give [to the truth you hear] will be the measure [of virtue and knowledge] that comes back to you–and more [besides] will be given to you who hear. (Amplified version)

    This reminds me of the verse that says faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God.
    I love it when a regular, daily event stirs up our spirit and remind us of His truths.
    Glad to hear you did better today!

  • robwhittaker says:

    Love it, bro! Keep it rockin’!

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